
- Current Version: 1.1
- Date Released: October 1st, 2007
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Sporktris is a clone of Tetris-clones. It doesn't add anything new to the gameplay, it simply tries to do all the important things well.
Technical Details
Sporktris is written in C++, using SDL for graphics and input (for easy portability). It requires SDL, SDL_image and SDL_ttf to build.
Sporktris is Free Software released under the GPL. Donations are totally unexpected, but greatly appreciated.
- Customizable keys
- Pretty level backgrounds, and coloured pieces to go with them
- Highscores
- Cross-platform (works on at least Mac OS X, Windows and Linux)
- Its own key repeat system (allows for holding down two keys at once, among other things)
- Automatically pauses when it loses focus
- Will not cause a raccoon infestation in your home or work place
- Handy features list